Distillery Cottages Enquiries:
Telephone: 07746 683 901
Email: info@distillerycottages.co.uk
Distillery House | Annan | Dumfries & Galloway
DG12 5LL | United Kingdom
Distillery Stud Enquiries:
Robert Robinson contact number: 07887512805
Directions & how to find us
From M74 (North/South)
Take Junction 20, heading towards Annan on B722 (Also signpost for Annandale Distillery – we share
the same driveway). We are approx. 4 miles on the right hand side.
From A75 (East/West)
Head into Annan then take the turning at traffic lights, at the Corner House Hotel (left if coming from the West and right if coming from the East). Continue on this road (B722) for 1 mile until you see signposts on the left for Annandale Distillery/Distillery Holiday Cottages (we share the same driveway).